Major Projects Authority report - 22-May-2012

Red Alert over HS2 rail link

"The controversial HS2 train project is facing a new blow after an official warning that it faced “major risks or issues in a number of key areas”.

Campaigners have been shocked to learn that a report from the Major Projects Authority which give the project the second worst possible rating, just one above saying the project is unachievable, will not be made available to the public or MPs until the Hybrid Bill which would legislate for HS2 has been presented to Parliament.

See Stop HS2 & The Daily Telegraph for more background information.

We need this report to be made public -

Please sign the online e-petition >> here << - now !

"e-petitions are an easy, personal way for you to influence government and Parliament in the UK. .. "

NB This is a new petition , initiated last week ( 18th May ). Whatever HS2 petitions you may have signed already - please sign this one as well..