
The Smalldean Files

Collected correspondence since the closure of the Smalldean diversion was announced. Contact me if you have any items to add.


During the passage of the hybrid bill, the following assurances were obtained -

Assurance 979:

The Secretary of State will require the Nominated Undertaker to use reasonable endeavours to incorporate the following measures for non-motorised users subject to any required approvals from the highway authority under Schedule 4 to the Bill (as enacted) and subject to sufficient land being available within the limits of land that may be acquired or used under the Act and subject to the requisite powers being granted under the Act.

a) Small Dean Lane, District of Aylesbury Vale - a temporary off-carriageway route during construction within the verge of Small Dean Lane between the construction site entrance and the A413 roundabout suitable for walkers, cyclists and horse riders.

Assurance 992

The Secretary of State will require the Nominated Undertaker to avoid,
as far as reasonably practicable, the planned simultaneous temporary
stopping up of Bowood Land with either Leather Lane or Rocky Lane for
the purposes of the construction of the HS2 Works.

Experience has shown them to be completely worthless...

29-Apr-24 - Closure announced

The closure of the diversion (on 13th May) was announced on 29th April, by this AWN - giving 2 weeks notice of a 15 month closure. A totally inadequate alternative route was announced, which left the A413 as the remaining (highly dangerous) option.

30-Apr-24 - Wendover - EKFB meeting

EKFB: Chris James, Jess Testro
WPC: Julie Williams
WHS2: Murray Cooke

  1. On 29th April EKFB issued an AWN about the planned closure of the Small Dean Lane bridleway between 15th May ’24 and 1st September ’25 (16 months). 
  2. WHS2 wrote to EKFB on 29th April pointing out the need to keep an access available in line with U&A 979, and issues about the proposed diversion route involving path WEN/14/1 which needs improvement to make it suitable and safe for cyclists. 
  3. CJ explained that EKFB were conscious of the U&A, and had tried to come up a with a construction plan that avoided the 16 month closure.  Other options had been considered and rejected, probably on cost grounds.  A subsequent review with the Bucks Council Rights of Way officer had approved EKFB’s plan.
  4. JW and MC explained the adverse feedback from Dunsmore residents that use the route for access to Wendover; in addition to the impact for cyclists using the Chilterns Cycleway route.  Forcing cyclists to use the busy A413 section between Dunsmore Lane and Small Dean Lane has significant safety issues due to the speed limits and the limited verges resulting from the HS2 works.
  5. CJ suggested that if there is a practicable alternative; that might be adopted taking note of the political consequences of the current plan.
  6. MC presented two alternative options for consideration:
    1. That EKFB construct the Grove Farm Accommodation Underbridge, so that it can be used as a safe path under the trace prior to the closure of the section of path leading to the Small Dean Lane Compound access gate.
    2. That EKFB construct and make available the new planned cycleway that runs alongside the A413 passing under the Viaduct between Pier 3 and the railway.
  7. CJ agreed to review these two options with the EKFB Construction Team, and will respond.  Meanwhile the path is still expected to close on 15th May.

1-May-24 -

AWN distributed on HS2 Updates. Presentation of alternative options (all rejected) to Wendover PC


Letter from the Chiltern Society to Haroun Kahn, Chris James (EKFB),
cc Maddelyn Sutton, Construction Commissioner (HS2), David Griffiths-Allen (EKFB), Peter Martin, Gavin Kingsnorth, Jonathan Clark (Bucks)
(receipt only acknowleged by Peter Martin )


Wendover HS2 propose Boswells option


Reply received (from Simon Matthews, EKFB stakeholder director) to Simon Kearey, cc Peter Martin, Laura Leech (Bucks), Richard Nuttall (HS2), Chris James (EKFB)

No alternatives are possible; closure delayed to 22nd May


Letter from the Chiltern Society to HS2 construction commissioner, cc Rob Butler MP & Peter Martin - requesting diversion remain open until an alternative was available