EHP - HS2 meeting


From Stephen Braund BSc MSc DMS MCIEH MICJP
Senior Environmental Health Officer, CDC

  1. HS2 have differentiated between assessment locations and measuring locations. The former are where HS2 consider they need data to inform the baseline and the latter are where physical measurements have been or will be made. HS2 are currently considering new candidate locations and the timetable for baseline noise data collection is as follows:
    1. Round 1 Desk study, completed May 2012
    2. Round 2 Data collection, completed August 2012
    3. Priority assessment locations (areas most likely to drive mitigation requirements)
    4. Extrapolate to 2026 baseline (ongoing)
    5. Round 3 Data collection to be returned by December 2012
    6. All remaining assessment locations and improve high uncertainty data from round 2
    7. Extrapolate to 2026 baseline
    8. Round 4 Data collection to be returned by June 2013 to include
      1. Additional locations based on stakeholder dialogue
      2. Additional locations where uncertainty in baseline is resulting in uncertainty in assessment outcomes
      3. Extrapolate to 2026 baseline

  2. It is the view of the EHPs (and Colin Waters) that there are currently not enough monitoring points to provide sufficient data to allow the baselines to be confidently calculated at the assessment points described. Furthermore it is recommended that CFs specifically suggest extra assessment points based on valuable local knowledge (not necessarily precise measurement locations). The EHPS have observed that there are a number of settlements and villages just outside the areas HS2 propose to include in the baseline. The current parameters for inclusion are receptors within:
    1. 300 m for construction
    2. 1 km operation in rural areas
    3. 500 m operation in urban areas
    4. 85 m for vibration
  3. HS2 have based the survey on dwellings and it is worth pointing out care homes, hospitals, schools, quiet areas such as parks and footpaths to HS2. In this way CFs can pressure HS2 to collect more baseline data.
  4. HS2 are quite happy to carry out joint survey work.
  5. Should any CF wish to commission an independent survey I have included a measurement proforma which HS2 say they are using. I have also included details of the data parameters they say they are using.

In general terms CFs need to balance being helpful to HS2; by contributing assessment locations and hindering them by not providing information.