
AONB Archive

Index of documents from previous phases of the campaign. NB Many links to HS2 documents no longer work.

See also, Timeline from Building.co.uk (25-Apr-2019)

 Initial announcementby Lord Adonis
Feb-July 2011
'Consultation' on the route
 HS2 gets go-ahead - Announcement by Justine Greening
March 2012-March 2013
 Community Forum meetings
August 2013
 Draft Environmental Statement - HS2 documents and Responses
(Phase 1 ) Hybrid Bill published; High Speed Rail (preparation) bill passed
December 2013-February 2014
 Final Environmental Statement consultation
HS2 link to HS1 abandoned - "too many compromises"
 Hybrid Bill 2nd Reading debate
July 2014
Court of Appeal rejects case against HS2
Spring 2015
Public Accounts Committee, House of Lords Economic Affairs Committees report (unfavourably) on HS2
General Election - end of Coalition Government
June 2015
HS2 Select Committee visits to the Chilterns
July 2015
HS2 SC hearings on the Chilterns Tunnel Extension
August 2015
C6 extension to the Chilterns Tunnel confirmed. The 2.5km extension, while welcomed, still leaves 8km of line on the surface in the AONB, and does nothing to mitigate the Wendover Dean and Smalldean Viaducts
September-December 2015
Other AONB petitioners are heard.
HS2 Ltd release traffic assessments for a further 20 junctions in the AONB, as part of Strategic Environmental Statement part 3 / Additional Provisions 4, implementing the Chilterns Tunnel (short) extension
January 2016
Locus Standi hearings for AP4 petitions; most petitioners are turned away, including the Chiltern Society
February 2016
AP4 petitions heard by the Committee
Select Committee Final report published
Public Administration Committee report on HS2 Ltd -
"There is still a culture of defensive communication and misinformation within this public body and that is not acceptable"
The report stage and third reading of the HS2 hybrid bill were completed in around 3 hours, on the afternoon of 23rd March - leaving insufficient time to debate or vote on many amendments.
House of Lords First and Second reading debates.
Deadline for petitions to the House of Lords Select Committee
House of Lords Committee - Locus Standi hearings commence; over 400 petitioners challenged by HS2 Ltd
HS2 rated "Amber-Red", again Major projects authority report (suppressed)
Lord's Select Committee deny locus to 7 MPs
Chris Grayling appointed (5th) transport secretary; as useless as his predecessors.
Nov 2016
Lord's SC hear petitions from the Chilterns - do nothing.
Lords approve hybrid bill at 3rd reading


HS2 Bill receives Royal Assent