Amersham Newsletter - April 2012

Fund Raising
Since Justine Greenining's announcement on 10th January that HS2 will go ahead, our focus has been on raising funds to support HS2 Action Alliance's (HS2AA) intention to go to Judicial Review, both on Environmental Issues and on fighting for a fair deal on Compensation.  We were given a target of £12,000, which we have raised and passed on to HS2AA.  Thank you to everyone who has donated.  In a press release  HS2AA have announced that they can now proceed with the judicial reviews.

Some of the money raised has come from our 200 Club.  We now have the required 200 members and the first draw took place in the HS2 Shop in Sycamore Road on Saturday 31st March.  Mimi Harker, Amersham's Mayor, drew the winning tickets.  First prize of £150 went to Mary Hughes, second prize of £100 to Jeff Willey and third prize of £50 to Jenny Eliot.  Congratulations to the lucky winners.  The next draw will take place towards the end of April.  The results are published here and in the local papers.

Another thank you to everyone who came and met us at the HS2 "Shop" in Sycamore Road.  Saturday 31st March was the last day that the shop was open.

We are continuing to focus on raising money to support the judicial reviews and PR activities.  We are holding a quiz night on Saturday 28th April, at Amersham Free Church.  This follows on from a similar successful event last year.  Tickets cost £12 per person, with 8 people per table.  The price includes a fish and chip supper (with non-fish alternatives)  If you are interested in joining us, either as an individual, part of a team or a full team, please let us know by replying to this email or contacting Chris Wilson ( phone 01494 430059 or 07803 901588 ).  If you would like to donate a raffle prize for the Quiz Night, even if you are unable to attend, again please contact Chris.

I understand that the Murder Mystery evening on Mothers Day evening in the Drake Hall, Amersham, was enjoyed by all.  If you missed the one in Amersham, there is another opportunity to experience the Murder Mystery evening at Chalfont St. Peter Community Centre, Gravel Hill, on Saturday 16th June, 7.00 for 7.30 start.  For further information, and to book, please call 01494 432059/712101/786382 or see this page.

We would like to organise a bridge drive, but need someone to "own" it supported by the committee.  If you are a bridge player, and can help run the event, please contact us as soon as possible.

The final event on our current horizon is a garden party at Chenies Manor on 24th June.  Further information to come on this soon.

If you would like to join us at any of our events, or would be willing to help out in anyway, big or small, please contact us by replying to this email.