
Save our Lanes !

See our new website - Leatherlane.org

Sunken lanes are a characteristic feature of the Chiltern landscape - but three are threatened with significant damage during the construction of HS2.

The trees and hedges beside the lanes provide vital corridors which allow wildlife to travel between the valley floor and the ridges.

Investigations have discovered large numbers of bats using the vegetation beside Leather and Bowood lanes as a flightpath.

Our Aims

Save our Lanes is working to preserve as much of the existing lanes and as many trees as possible, to retain connectivity for wildlife, and for the maximum possible mitigation for the adverse effects of HS2 construction.

We are also campaigning to save the Lone Oak ('Ilona') , 50m to the south of Leather Lane.

This video gives a brief history of the campaign to date -

Successes so far -

See this update, our News page on HS2 Amersham for more information, and this Guardian Angel article

How to help

Please support our campaign, by donating to our Crowdfunder. Email your MP and councillors, make clear your concerns about the impact HS2 construction is having on wildlife and the Environment - and sign our Petition