
Schedule 17 - Planting Plans

This relates to the lack of information provided on the Schedule 17 application for the North Portal, and in particular the details of the planting plans -

  1. The application includes 4 planting plans which specify the species to be planted, but not
    the proportions of each species. Please supply any information held regarding the
    proportions of each species in each of the categories indicated in the boxes, for each plan.
  2. Please supply copies of any documents held, which indicate the objectives to be achieved,
    when deciding on the species to be included in the planting plans.
  3. The written statement
    (HS2-SOUTH_HEATH_CUTTING_WRITTEN_STATEMENT-4462252.pdf ) para 4.7.6 refers to the need for bat mitigation planting. Please indicate
    (preferably on a plan) which areas are regarded as providing bat mitigation.


" The level of detail underpinning these measures (including the proportions of plant species and specific detail relating to bat mitigation) is still being developed and is not completed. "

Request refused, material in the course of completion. It would be better to engage with local environmentalists before completing the plans, rather than afterwards ?

Artist's Impression of the N. Portal 

The artist's impression, from a community engagement document, resembles a local park, rather than Chiltern woodland ( Beech & Holly). Will there be any engagement, before planting commences ?

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