FOI requests
Leather Lane - Bat reports (24-5496)
Did EKFB find the bats ?
Muck in the Misbourne ? (24-5446)
Why are the Siltbusters discharging water at Gt Missenden ( pictures) ?
Follow up request made, 9-March
Events in the Aquifer (23-5341)
We have recently been made aware of events having an adverse impact on the aquifer; how many more were there ?
Schedule 17 - planting plans (23-5125)
Schedule 17 applications (for the South Heath cuttings, for example) contain planting plans - for information at this stage. Will there be any consultation on these, before the final versions are submitted ?
Sinkholes and Mud Baths
Request HNL 303573 to the EA (by Paul Jennings) - what materials were used during tunnelling at Ruislip ? Information not held !!
Request HS2-23-92984-E (or FOI-23-4995 ??)- raised as urgent (9-Apr-23) but no respoinse, as of 18-May-23
Water Use
FOI says TBM Dorothy (Long Itchington Wood) used 50mn litres of water between May & Aug 22 @ 6.3 l/s- only trouble is it started boring in Dec
Environmental Sustainability Performance Report
Where is it ? Can we wait any longer for this fictional masterpiece ?
Chiltern Tunnel - Approval
Why would the EA approve the Chiltern Tunnel ? Soon, we may find out ...
Chalfont St Peter Vent Shaft - Pollution
How did Align lose 1500 cu metre of grout into the aquifer ?
Grims Ditch
What surveys were made, before the woodland was felled ?
What licenses do HS2 hold ?
Shardeloes Lake
Pollution Incident, May 2020 (Must be off topic ? Nothing to do with HS2, obvs)
A413, A4010 & LTMP
Who decided to drop the A4010 lorry route, and why was there no consultation ?
CCTV Surveillance
Envision ignore GDPR, FoI legislation
Tunnel Safety - 18-2188, 19-3090, 20-01429
Requests relating to the safety of the proposed Chilterns Tunnel, and in particular the procedures for train evacuation in an emergency
20-088 Colne valley viaduct piling
(The Sarah Green case)