HS2 - Local & National News
Compiled with the aid of Andrea Polden's daily HS2 News digest
For National HS2 news, visit the Stop HS2 News pages,
the Google HS2 news feed,
& the Stop HS2 "TV station" on YouTube
2021 News >>>
HS2 Whistleblowers
Of course, this has resulted in HS2 coming up with two parallel sets of accounts. This is like having two columns for your cost accounts: one we keep for ourselves and one we share with Parliament. According to the whistleblowers, they are very different accounts. There are many reasons for this, but the general reality is that they are trying to delay news of future costs so that the news does not get out until it is too late to do anything.
Lord Berkeley - Protection of Whistleblowing Bill
Transport Questions
"What steps he is taking to help ensure those people adversely affected by HS2 are compensated fairly." (Jeremy Wright)
HS2 Ltd pays interest at 0.5% below the Bank of England base rate (Huw Merriman)
HS2 minister Huw Merriman has admitted that inflation has made it impossible to know how much the mega-project will cost to build.(New Civil Engineer)
HS2 Update
What is Buckinghamshire Council doing on behalf of residents?
In response to concerns about the volume of HS2 traffic, Buckinghamshire Council have purchased three mobile CCTV cameras to monitor the traffic caused by the HS2 construction
Questions from Lord Berkeley
Evacuation times in tunnels (15-25 min !!), how high are the (tunnel) walkways, and the platforms.
Has he been reading our FOI request ?
Contaminated Water - Cone Valley
further to the Written Answer by Baroness Vere of Norbiton on 21 October (HL2420), what is the source of contaminated water that has been identified in the cofferdams and necessitated an application to vary the Water Treatment Plant Permit. (Baroness Jones)
DfT Questions (Lords)
5 HS2 questions answered, without conveying any useful information
North Chiltern Newsletter
HS2 have issued their Autumn newsletter, listing the forthcoming entertainments that they will be providing. (Pity it wasn't spell checked ...)
HS2 "could be reviewed"
What, again ? How bad must it get, to be cancelled ? (Construction News)
Transport Questions
Tan Dhesi asks about appointing the new HS2 chair - confidential, obvs.
Save our Lanes register Ilona
Save our Lanes staged a very successful event, to mark the addition of Ilona to the Woodland Trust register of Ancient Trees
Five things we learned from Mark Harper
(Latest Transport Sec). Six actually - can't be trusted. (Realproperty News, afer Construction News);
Review of HS2 ( They work for you) -
"Phase 1 remains within the budget and schedule range"
- of course it does Mark, of course...
Monitoring HS2 Construction ?
... what steps her Department is taking to ensure that there is adequate monitoring and oversight of the construction of HS2 ? (Sarah Green)
Press release from Tony Berkley
HS2 cost at today’s prices £155.52bn
Net cost of cancellation and repurposing £8bn
Leather Lane Update
See this page for latest campaign status, and correspondence with HS2.
HS2 Route Wide Injunction granted
HS2 Ltd has been granted an "extensive" injunction along the length of the high-speed line from London to Crewe to help tackle unlawful protests.
The order makes going onto HS2 land without permission or disrupting work a potential contempt of court - the offence of ignoring a judge's ruling.
It will not only apply to identified protestors but to "persons unknown". (BBC)
An appeal is now being considered ...Nicola Hall of Robert Lizar solicitors said: “This is a disappointing outcome. This injunction represents a concerning extension of the powers of a state-owned limited company to control and police large swathes of land across England. (Guardian)
Matthew Stanton, head of planning and advocacy for BBOWT, said: “This injunction restricts people’s right to protest peacefully against this environmental disaster. This is an affront to democracy, undermining people’s rights to make their voices heard.
“HS2 Ltd has continued to fail in its duties to protect nature and, while we do not support illegal protest, people must be allowed to protest against this peacefully, without fear of breaking the law.” (Bucks Herald)
Wendover - Canal and Tunnel
Will the Environment Agency save the canal water supply ? The struggle continues...
Amersham VS Headhouse approved
(Received 19th September) Conditional Schedule 17 approvals have been granted for the Amersham Vent Shaft Headhouse design, and Site Restoration applications. Conditions for the Headhouse relate to construction of the flint wall, and lighting; for Landscaping, to the 10 year maintenance plan.
Some improvements have been made since the 2020 consultation.
CutnCover Cockup
The Cut and Cover tunnel under construction at Chipping Warden "could potentially be demolished" (Railtech) An HS2 spokesman said "We have recently identified quality issues with some of the segments and we are currently conducting tests to determine whether remedial work is needed" (Ground Engineering)
Water Bandits ?

Tanker filling outside Amersham crematorium
How much water is HS2 using, and what reduction (if any) has been made on account of the drought ? Paul Jennings asks the questions. While water for the Chiltern Tunnels is (allegedly) provided by Thames, Water tankers have been observed filling up from standpipes and carrying water to various HS2 worksites. How much has been authorized is unclear. Sarah Green has written to Affinity requesting an explanation (BFP, Buckinghamshire Live )
Further north, questions have been asked regarding the drying up of Padstow Brook (Buckinghamshire Live )
Bucks lose Judicial Review !
The local authority issued judicial review proceedings in November 2021 challenging the decision to allow appeals from HS2 Limited (HS2L) to use lorry routes on the A413 that were initially refused by the council -
(Transport-Network, Local Govt. Lawyer, The Judgement (hard going...)) Meanwhile -
EKFB-ALIGN issue traffic predictions for July-October
Adding the different sites together is an exercise for the user, which we have completed for you. Around 340-365 HGV trips (in each direction) at the Gore Hill roundabout, one every two minutes for a 10hr working day...
Guardian Angel award
Carol-Anne from the Save Leather Lane campaign has received a Guardian Angel award - more
New bridge designs revealed
The first images of what HS2's rural footbridges and footpaths in Buckinghamshire will look like have been released -
"The elegant bridges have been specially designed for Bucks, Oxon and West Northants, with weathering steel beams to match the tone of the surrounding countryside." - presumably the weathered steel woodlands that they recently felled ? (BFP)
HS2 Questions (in the Lords)
My Lords, what has this ridiculous project cost to date? Is its construction continuing on time and on budget? Have they yet found a way of getting in and out of Euston station? (Lord Framlington)
A further update on the HS2 project will be laid before your Lordships’ House in October. (Baroness Vere)
HS2 Updates -
From Bucks - Judicial review, Amersham Vent Shaft, Haul Road, Works program
ALIGN-EKFB - traffic forecasts, July-October
Future events
Amersham Headhouse presentation, Leather Lane Bat Walk - see our Events page
EA halt work on the Wendover Green Tunnel (?)
"We understand that the Environment Agency has stopped any work on constructing the Green Tunnel and North Cutting due to inadequate mitigation for the Aquifer impact" (Wendover News)
So what has got into the EA ? Someone spiked their drink ??
North Chiltern Newsletter
HS2 set out the delights in store for the summer/autumn environment wrecking season
02-Jun-2022 - Roundup
Leather Lane
Significant progress made, at a meeting with EKFB, and other news
Ancient Woodland Transplantation doesn't work
"while plants grew in the translocated soil, the character of woodland at the receptor site was ‘profoundly altered’ from that of the donor site." (Felix, 31-May)
But we knew that ...
FOI fail
Has the Cabinet Office prevented the Public Accounts Committee from investigating HS2 funds ? They won't say.
Wildlife Trusts
The Wildlife Trusts are concerned that HS2 Ltd is threatening to prevent people’s right to peaceful protest with a legal bid this week. (see HS2 Injunction below)
Chiltern Tunnel Fire
...was on a vehicle that transports workers into the tunnel to work on the tunnel-boring machine (TBM). While transporting three workers ... the car caught fire. The workers removed themselves safely from the car and attempted to extinguish the fire, but the engine exploded about 1.6km from the TBM.
The three workers followed safety procedures and sheltered within Cecilia’s safety chamber. Once the fire was extinguished and the situation under control, they were removed safely from the tunnel. Reportedly, they were within the safety chamber for a full 15 hours, from 7pm on Tuesday night until 10am on Wednesday morning (Construction News)
Sounds like a long walk in a tunnel filling with smoke ?
Sarah Green MP criticises HS2 approach
"HS2 Ltd is failing to communicate transparently, exacerbating the already strained relationship with communities, who feel they are having this project imposed on them.
HS2 Ltd was treating interactions with people and environment like a tick-box exercise and doing only the bare minimum, she said. (BFP)
Train Noise
what steps they will take to reduce train noise ... if it is found to be in excess of Environmental Minimal Requirements.
(Lord Berkeley)
in line with HS2 noise policy, all reasonable and practicable mitigation measures would be considered, with specific regard to acoustic performance, value for money, blah blah (ie, SFA)
Reuse of haul roads
what assessment he has made of the potential merits of allowing (a) haul and (b) service roads used in the construction of HS2 to become part of the active travel infrastructure once they are no longer in use. (Ruth Cadbury)
I have asked HS2 Ltd to explore the potential for the re-purposing of temporary construction routes into vehicle-free connections between rural communities that could connect with emerging local authority cycling and walking routes
Just the place for a quiet stroll in the countryside. NB there is no provision for noise abatement for recreational users of nearby areas.
Latest Leather Lane campaign news - here
Residents 'a nuisance' warns watchdog
The firm behind HS2 has treated concerned residents as a "nuisance" and with a "lack of respect" rather than properly addressing their complaints, an official watchdog has warned. He issued a report concluding that the firm was "dishonest, misleading and inconsistent" in its dealings with a family whose home it was attempting to purchase
(Daily Telegraph)
Leather Lane Oaks
Despite lack of support from DEFRA, the campaign has now reached a critical phase - see our Leather Lane page for details, and what you can do to help.
Sarah Green - Easter Adjournment debate
Chalk Streams, HS2 & the Aquifer, Ukraine ...
HS2 is being constructed with a complete lack of consideration for the environments it is destroying and people it is impacting"
HS2 seek an injunction against - everyone ?
HS2 sent an Email to everyone on the Stop HS2 directory ( + a few more) - but regrettably, they can't manage an Email account, let alone build a railway -
"A subsequent email was sent today at 15:37 which contained the N11 Defence Form. Unfortunately within that second email your email address (with those of the other recipients) was included in the TO box rather than the BCC box meaning that your email address remained visible"
The Injunction applies to
All of it ? Everyone ? Plus 60 or so named defendants.
If you are an unknown person, pop along to the hearing (5th April, 10:30 am, Birmingham). Bit late to submit your defence, pity about that.
Will it stand up in court ??
Little Missenden Headhouse design approved
Having taken all of the feedback into account, HS2 Ltd submitted new, detailed plans... - for the way that it will mitigate the impact of the compound on the surrounding area. (New Civil Engineer )
DfT - Written Answers
"if he will take steps to require HS2 to reduce the avoidable mortality of trees it plants;" (Rachael Maskell)
HS2 Ltd expects plant failures across its construction sites to be within the best practice guidance range of 5-15%.
Lord Berkeley -
"whether conventional UK passenger trains will be able to use the same platforms without modification" (TW4U)
"whether HS2 trains will be capable of using the standard UK Network Rail station platforms without modification." (TW4U)
"what is the expected time saving for (1) boarding, and (2) disembarking," (TW4U)
"which stations (1) on HS2 lines, or (2) elsewhere, will have platform heights of 1115mm above rail." (TW4U)
"what is the latest budget estimate for the Old Oak Common station on the Great Western Main Line; how many platform faces are included; and whether this is included in the overall HS2 budget as set out in the integrated Rail Plan." (TW4U) £1.67bn (2019 prices)
"what is the latest design for the HS2 tracks and approach tunnels for Euston station." (TW4U)
"what assessment they have made of the stability of Parkway Tunnel and of the approach tracks to the Network Rail Euston station during the construction of the HS2 caverns and tunnels directly underneath; and what steps they have taken to guarantee that there will be no disruption to the rail services into and out of the Network Rail Euston station during the construction of these HS2 works." (TW4U)
"the Parkway Tunnels and Network Rail's railway tracks and systems have been the subject of Ground Movement Assessments by the HS2 Main Works Civils Contractor. The output of this assessment is currently being reviewed."
"how many HS2 station platforms are currently planned for its Euston station; how many trains per hour they can accommodate;" (TW4U)
Bucks HS2 update
The date for the Judicial Review on Buckinghamshire Council’s appeals against six HS2 lorry route decisions has been confirmed as 8-9 June 2022.
Parliamentary Question
Will the Minister for HS2 please remind HS2 Ltd that its pledge to be a good neighbour is not just a slogan, and that it demands action? (Rob Butler, Aylesbury)
Report to Parliament
Rocket Man reports "I can confirm that the project remains within budget and schedule in delivering Phase One (London – West Midlands) and Phase 2a (West Midlands – Crewe)," Would that be the official or actual budget ?
In his six month report to parliament yesterday, Andrew Stephenson said HS2 had used up an additional £500m of its £5.6bn contingency fund since his last update. (Building)
Independent Construction Commissioner report
"Construction traffic remains an issue of contention in Buckinghamshire and I remain in close contact with the communities and the contractors in this area."
New community engagement strategy
Old platitudes revisited
Schedule 17 Submissions
Applications have been submitted for works between the North Portal (South Heath) and (almost) Leather Lane - see our user friendly guide (under arrangement)
Leather Lane Campaign
Have written a letter to DEFRA asking them to intervene to preserve the wildlife corridor - more
Smalldean Conveyor
"As part of our plan to reduce HGV traffic on the local road network, EKFB will be constructing a conveyor system to move excavated materials across the A413, London Road" (Works Notice, BFP)
Just as well, the Environmental Statement scheme was undeliverable - 600 HGVs / day turning right from Rocky Lane ?? (AP4)
Wendover Tunnel - try again
whether they will publish (1) the cost/benefit analysis, and (2) the additional independent analyses, on which they and HS2 Ltd based their decision to build a viaduct rather than a tunnel at Wendover. (Lord Berkeley)
No (Baroness Vere)
BCR and Phase 2
... what steps his Department is taking to ensure the potential impact on cost, schedule and benefits of decisions made during parliamentary scrutiny of the HS2 Phase 2 hybrid bills is considered when making future decisions on the project as a whole, (Sarah Green MP)
Waffle (Rocket Man)
South Northants
He will be aware that ever more areas of South Northamptonshire are now being ruined and dug up just in preparation for the line. What steps can he take to make sure that they do not become a place for fly-tipping (Andrea Leadsom, Banbury Guardian)
HS2 Ltd takes its responsibilities to secure and maintain land along the line of route extremely seriously... (Rocket man again)
Wendover Tunnel
Why no Transport and Works order for Wendover ? (Lord Berkeley)
Usual Excuse (Baroness Vere)
Phase 1 planning forum (Nov 2021 - minutes just released !)
DW (WNC) noted that EMR Annex 1 and Code of Construction Practice section 5.1.2 states that regular meetings are to take place between contractor, nominated undertaker, LPA and representatives of the local community (Who, Us ??). He was not aware that such meetings are taking place. SG (HS2) to provide a response to the query at the next Planning Forum. Watch this space !
Put on your Green tinted specs, its the Environmental Sustainability report -
April 2020-March 2021. 9 months to make it look halfway presentable ? Obviously, its all going really well, the badgers are really pleased to leave their smelly old setts for HS2. Bats - 2 mentions, Green Bridges - none (we forgot to build any ...) Jones Hill Wood ? see p20
and an Environmental Policy statement -
Objectives - Green Corridor
Create a resilient green corridor for both nature and people, that will conserve and enhance habitats, seek to achieve biodiversity gains through partnership working while designing mitigation to integrate into the character of the landscape
while dividing habitats in half from London to Birmingham
Community Experience Where reasonably practicable, minimise adverse impacts of HS2 construction and operation on people and the environment ... i.e. only when it doesn't cost us
HS2 to be powered by zero carbon energy ...
HS2 Ltd will work towards being zero carbon from 2035 through a number of new targets. They include:
- Using 100% zero carbon electricity generation to power its trains – making journeys on HS2 zero carbon for emissions from ‘day one’.
HS2 presents the new FFe filter, to reject all those dirty fossil fuel electrons. Services will be suspended on calm days.
Integrated Stations ?
...what steps his Department is taking to ensure HS2 stations are closely integrated within existing transport infrastructure (Sarah Green MP)
Work continues to ensure that HS2 stations across all phases are effectively integrated, through engagement with key partners (Rocket Man) (but without necessarily positioning the stations anywhere convenient)
A happy and uneventful new year to you all -
- where reasonably practical.
- except Boris
'I hereby formally request you as Prime Minister to investigate my complaints [regarding a potential breach of the Ministerial Code - nothing to do with parties] in an independent manner... (Tony Berkeley)